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I help people succeed in finding and nurturing personal relationships.



Woman in the Nature

Finding the right person to share your life’s journey is a whole different story.

Are you ready for an amazing relationship?

Finding a person to date is easy.

So what exactly does it mean to be ready?  Setting out to find a new relationship, or trying to improve your current one, can feel like you are embarking on a path into uncharted territory. What if you were an explorer and you set out on your trip with no plan, no skills and no supplies? How do you think that journey will end? Probably with you lost, confused and ready to give up and turn back. I hear it all the time... it's just so hard!

So let's face it - this journey towards a fulfilling and intimate love life can be complex. The path that leads you to having that great partnership is not always smooth. There may be twists, turns, dead ends and many pitfalls. Just like the explorer, you too may experience disappointment, confusion, and wasted time...not to mention repeated heartache.

So how do you navigate your way towards having that amazing relationship you've always dreamed of, with confidence and grace? 
By learning new skills and creating your own map, you will become the expert in knowing "who you are" and "what you want." With my support, you will clear the path before you with ease and stay on course towards having the life and loving relationship you desire.

Your success in your relationships can be determined by these three factors...
Being. Living. Relating.

Being – Who you are. Your thought patterns. Your beliefs.
Living – What you do. How you take action. Your habits.
Relating – How you show up. Your emotions. Your communication.

If you aren’t paying attention, these thoughts and actions can keep you from finding and sustaining a long-term, loving partnership.


Have you ever had thoughts like these? 

 I don't know how to date, I don't even know what I'm looking for”
”I'm too old/overweight/unattractive (you name it)”
”There are no good men or women out there

”This just isn't working for me anymore - I'm out


No worries, these feelings are normal. 


I am inviting you to take a journey of self-discovery in your quest to find lasting love whether you are single or already part of a couple.

Are you ready to add an amazing, intimate relationship to your life? Do you want to stop worrying about the process of searching for a partner and be more at peace with your decisions?


Are you currently with someone but want to have a deeper, more loving connection? Feel stuck and hopeless with nowhere to turn? No matter what stage you're in, from a new couple to one with many years in, I can help. 


As your personal relationship "trail-guide," I will help you clear the path before you with targeted actions and skills. You’ll begin to move towards your newly mapped-out goals in a way that is comfortable, yet effective. I will be here to support you, cheer you on and keep you on track as you begin to experience newfound confidence, clarity and the knowledge that anything you want for your love life is truly in your control.

So, let's get ready!

“Choose your life's mate carefully; from this one decision will come 90 percent of your happiness or misery.”
- H. Jackson Brown Jr., Life's Little Instruction Book

A Little About Me...


In the past, I have often been asked, “What is your passion?”.  Throughout life, I have had strong feelings about certain things, but can't say that I was truly passionate about them. When my twenty-year marriage ended, I went on a mission seeking information on a subject that had never been taught in school - one more important than the impact math or language would ever have in one's life. What I learned was profound, I believe it leads to one of the most important decisions a person can make... choosing the right partner for a loving and fulfilling relationship.


Relationship failure sucks, doesn't it? Have you ever been so frustrated and unhappy that you just wanted to be on your own for the rest of your life? Well, like you, I was there. How could I be in this position? I'm a good person: caring, kind, creative, smart, curious. And yet, there I was. I can recall the first time I walked into my empty house. It was quiet, like it had never been before. The realization was surreal; I was on my own. I wallowed in misery for a period of time and then decided that I needed to get back to the person I was... the person I had lost... ME.


So instead of throwing in the towel, I began to research every topic about dating and relationships I could find. How do you meet people in today's world? What causes attraction? What does it mean to be high value? What are the differences between masculine and feminine energy? And more importantly, how do you successfully market yourself in the dating world? I've always had a problem-solving nature and was curious about the hows and whys of human behavior. So I started on my journey as a single, divorced mother of two. First step - getting comfortable on my own doing things such as dining for one at a restaurant or sitting at a bar striking up conversations with folks around me, etc. I began to ask women and men of all ages one simple question "How do men differ from women?" Their answers fascinated me! ...see blog below.

My passion was driving me. After a period of recovery time, and a clearer connection to who I really was, I decided to venture into the world of online dating. I wanted to test what I had learned in the "real world." I will never forget the first match that popped up for me... a hard-core fisherman dude complete with long, gray beard, proudly displaying his catch-of-the-day. Wow, not what I expected! I wondered how this man "matched" with me since, at first glance, we seemed to have nothing in common. Ohhh - note to self - remove from profile that you enjoy fishing! With many years experience in marketing and art direction and viewing countless profiles, I was shocked to see how people represented themselves in an attempt to find love. So many single people trying to connect but unaware of the image they are projecting. I came to a realization... I need to help! This led me to the next step to become professionally-trained Relationship Coach. With the wisdom I've always had on human behavior, mindset, and now relationships, I finally discovered my passion, or better yet, my purpose... helping people, just like you, get into action using their inner superpowers to thrive in life and their relationships. 

Here's to YOU!

How I Can Help You Thrive in Love and Life...

Find Your Person

Relationship Coaching

Loving Connections Enhance our Lives...Take Action to Make Them Thrive!



Conscious Dating

Find Your Special Person with this Eyes-Wide-Open Journey Towards Love! 

Online Dating Profile Makeovers

Your First Introduction - Let It Show the 
Best of...YOU!

From Kate M...

“It’s ironic how much time I spend planning and strategizing for work and I wasn’t taking any time to do so in my personal life.  With Carolyn’s guidance I took all the ideas and thoughts whirling in my head and created a personal roadmap - identifying what’s really important to me in relationships and crafting a vision statement for my life.  

rocket science, but when’s the last time you wrote down and discussed your vision/goals/purpose???  I went through the program while at a crossroad and can’t thank Carolyn enough for her coaching.  Not only did she listen and encourage, but also challenged and pushed me to really think through my life plan giving me the confidence I need to move forward.” 
From Joy R...

Carolyn has been the wind in my sail for the past year of coaching, supporting, encouraging and asking powerful questions to help me connect with my inner strengths and courage to move towards my dreams.
From K.H...

After Carolyn's "Ready for Love" program, I am more confident in the dating poolwhich is huge! 
I have a sense of clarity and insights that I would not have had if I hadn't worked with her.

Couple's Shadow

Free Download... 
The Dating Red Flags Checklist


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Thank you!

Carolyn Stella


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©Copyright by Relationship Coaching Institute, used with permission
Conscious Dating® is a registered trademark of Relationship Coaching Institute, used with permission

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