I asked 30 women a simple question...
"How do men differ from women?"
Below are the real responses from women of all ages. Wherever I traveled, I asked them that simple question, "In your opinion, how do men differ from women?" Their unedited answers along with their ages are as follows:
Women act more off emotional thinking first. Men are less likely to think before speaking – less likely to filter – may hurt with words more than a woman. Age 33
They have testosterone which causes them to be quick to anger – explosive. They have no grip on emotions. They find the shortest route from point A to B…impatient. Age 54
Women are more compassionate. Women have better memories than men. Men are more protective in general. Women over-analyze things. Age 40
Women mature quicker than men. Women perceive themselves differently from reality… in a bad way. When they look in the mirror they see someone fat, but really they are not. Men look in the mirror and think they are the $hit!! Age 23
Men have a biologic drive to carry on the species… a need to have sex at any age – biologic component. Age 50
Women think men want this ideal body image from the media and they strive for that. Men don’t think that way. They want someone natural, not perfect. Age 24
Women compartmentalize more. They are the ones responsible for solutions. Men have blinders on – they see one thing and not expand their thoughts or ideas. Men are a one-way street. Women are creative and think outside the box. Age 40-60
Men think they know everything – they don’t listen. They brag and need their egos stroked. Age 55-65
Men are much more relaxed. They don’t worry about minor things. We, as women, take situations overboard. We’ll hold a grudge. Men get over it and move on. Age 44
Men and women differ in every way possible. The way they think, communicate etc. But each sex needs the other. Age 51
Men don’t talk deeply – no depth – they are surface beings. Women are about the here and now. Men want to talk about it later or avoid talking. Men act without thinking. Age 50
Men think too much in discussions – they don’t just share spontaneously. Age 51
Mens perception of the world differ from womens in that they really believe they are the dominant sex but females are the influencers in reality. Men try to control women because of their insecurities. Age 52
Men are born on Mars. Women are born on Venus. They’re different planets so two different thoughts. Age 50
Men need sex to create intimacy and women need intimacy to succeed at sex. Age 52
Women pay attention to detail when pursuing goals – men think about it in a broader way. Women micro-manage everything! Women think with their heart and men remove emotion when making decisions. Women will find something attractive in all – men are conditioned to traditional beauty – women see deeper than that. Age 50
Thought processes are different as when solving problems. Women are more detail-oriented – men are not as detailed. Age 31
Emotionally they are different – how they react to things differ. Age 19
Physically, of course, they differ. Men are physically stronger. Women are mentally and emotionally stronger. Guys don’t hold a grudge with their friends. Women will drop a friend like that. Men are less self-conscious than women – they are more confident. Age 35
Women have an easier time seeing purity in the world – the bigger picture. Feminine energy is on the rise. Men and women are becoming more open – feminine energy is more evened out. We both have male and female energy but not so heavily male these days. Age 30
In every way! Age 45-55
Men are simple – women are more complex. Men think for the now. Women think into the future and will try to change the man. Age 47
When a woman is sick, she wants to be left alone. A guy will moan and cry for soup (or an orgasm lol) or anything else that he needs to be coddled. Women want quiet, men want attention. Age 50
Men want to be catered to – to kiss their ass. He wants the woman’s opinion to be his opinion. He wants to be heard. Age 25-53
Men’s thought process is different – the way they are “programmed”. Men are casual thinkers. Women are intense thinkers. They are different emotionally. Men only think about two things...their dicks and food. Whichever one is satisfied last, the next one will be up – food then sex…sex then food. Age 50
Women have an innate sense of responsibility. They are socially more aware. Women are the caregivers and the doers/planners. Men are childish – they are narcissistic. Age 46
Women are multi-taskers. Age 54
Since the caveman days, men were the hunters and women were the gatherers. Men shoot their prey – women gather and provide. Age 47
In a way they think that they are superior to us women. Age 22
Men are less detail-oriented than women. They are global thinkers. Age 71
Thank you to all who participated in this poll - I am grateful for your honesty!